Which state is THE DRUNKEST state in the nation? How does Wisconsin stack up? How do Millennials stack up to Gen-X and the Baby Boomers? We've got you covered.
The first featured booze of spring/summer is Limoncello! Here's how to make it.
It's common knowledge the thing to do upon waking up after a night of drinking in Milwaukee is to find the nearest restaurant to get bloodies and brunch. But does the bloody actually work?
This installment of The Hangover: Wheatgrass! Does it work? Is it gross? Is it awesome? What is it?
What does what you drink say about your political views? The results may surprise you.
Does Pedialyte work as a hangover cure?
A weekly feature discussing and potentially debunking common and uncommon hangover cures. This week? COFFEE!
The Hangover is a weekly series running every Monday that details remedies designed to help you beat your hangover. This week? COCONUT WATER.
In a new study, Late-Life Alcohol Consumption and 20-Year Mortality, researchers have found those who don't consume alcohol have higher mortality rates than those who moderately and heavily consume alcohol. Booze up!
Bloody Mary Map of the USA